I tried it on my dual core intel mac (older 32 bit one), and the VM (Squeak4.3.1 Beta1U) crashed. So I loaded the OSProcess tests into an up to date trunk image, and running the tests in UnixProcessTestCase crashed the VM. This also happens in the Pharo Dev 1.0 RC2.


Mike Hales
Engineering Manager

On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 3:35 PM, David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com> wrote:
On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 08:19:14PM -0200, Jecel Assumpcao Jr wrote:
> David,
> I took a quick look on a quad core 2 box running Fedora Core 10 and the
> Squeak 3.7-7 VM and 3.10.2 image. It seems to lock up on "RemoteTask
> result". Running the Tests-OSProcess does indeed cause one failure in
> #testCooperatingProcesses04 where the tests for version 43 were all
> green. Running Tests-CommandShell locks up after 71 tests with one
> failure (version 4.3 had all green tests after I created a /usr/bin/vi
> file).


Thanks very much for trying this and for the feedback. I guess it's
about time I replaced my ten year old computer so I can test this myself.
I am guessing that a possible culprit is signal delivery for the SIGCHLD
handler, I wonder if that might behave a little differently on a
multi-core machine ...

Thanks again,
