Hi All, Hi Marcel,

    in implementing inspectors for the VMMaker I'm wanting to close all open inspectors associated with a simulation when the simulation window is closed.  I notice in SystemWindow>>delete there is non-generic code (a.k.a. a horrible hack) for the sketch editors associated palettes.  This badly needs rewriting to be generic.  So instead of 

sketchEditor := self extantSketchEditor.
sketchEditor ifNotNil:
[sketchEditor deleteSelfAndSubordinates.
(thisWorld notNil 
 and: [(aPaintBox := thisWorld paintBoxOrNil) notNil]) ifTrue:
[aPaintBox delete]].

it reads something like

dependentMorphs := self dependentMorphsOrNil.
dependentMorphs ifNotNil:
[dependentMorphs do: [:each| each deleteSelfAndSubordinates]].

then I can easily extend this to deal with additional inspector windows, instead of having code in the model to search for them.
best, Eliot