On 9/19/07, Göran Krampe <goran@krampe.se> wrote:

> On 9/19/07, goran@krampe.se <goran@krampe.se> wrote:
>> "Michael van der Gulik" < mikevdg@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > What do you mean by several packages defining names in the same
>> namespace?
>> > Are you talking about method overrides? Then like I said before, I
>> can't
>> > work out how to do this without creating a security issue (I'm
>> planning
>> on
>> > Packages containing completely untrusted code which can be securely
>> execute=
>> > d locally).
>> I am not talking about method overrides, no. I am simply talking about
>> package P1 defining a class X in N1 and package P2 defining class Y in
>> N1. Nothing magical. :)
> My implementation handles this fine. In this case, you'd have P1
> containing
> N1::X (using Krampe notation) and P2 containing N1::Y. The import list of
> your code using X and Y would include P1 and P2 (import lists contain only
> other Namespaces, and Packages are Namespaces).

If I understand you correctly (there are lots of assumptions here that I
am not totally getting) - you are saying:

- Package IS a Namespace.
- Two packages CAN define names in the same namespace.

I may be daft but I don't get it. So P1 "contains" N1 and so does P2? And
a package IS a Namespace? So N1 can appear in multiple places in your
hierarchy, is that what you mean?

Well... kind of. I'll explain it in code:

Package is a subclass of Namespace; Namespace is a subclass of Dictionary.

p1 := Package new.
n1 := Namespace new name: #Namespace1.
p1 at: #Namespace1 put: n1. " should be p1 addNamespace: n1. "
n1 at: #X put: X.

p2 := Package new.
n2 := Namespace new name: #Namespace1.
p1 at: #Namespace1 put: n2.
n2 at: #Y put: Y.

Now, if you add both p1 and p2 to your local import list, you can refer to Namespace1.X and Namespace1.Y.

Does this answer your question?
