On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 6:59 PM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
But perhaps a better alternative is just to use Hydra and provide a remote debugging interface to another Hydra space.  So there's a version of the Hydra spawn operation that constructs the heap from MObject.  That machinery would be easy to extend, right Igor?

I like it.  It made me immediately think of gestation and child birth.  You could call this early stage interface the umbilical interface.  But seriously, if you really want to get at the very smallest possible starting image, constructing one that is a sort of embryo that is still dependent on its host and unable to live in the world on its own is probably the way to go.  This minimal image wouldn't need a file system interface, a compiler, and probably lots of other things that one built to live on its own would need. 

- Stephen