With Polymorph loaded this should work with the window having focus.
Due to a little bug (miscategorised method) you'll need to load the lastest version from SqueakSource until Damien updates the dev images. (Polymorph-Widgets-gvc.54).

Regards, Gary
----- Original Message -----
From: Joshua Gargus
To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: [squeak-dev] Is there a shortcut for closing a windows (aclassbbrowser, test runner, workspace, etc?

Eliot Miranda wrote:

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Joshua Gargus <schwa@fastmail.us> wrote:
Yes,  this already exists.  On OS X it's Cmd-W, so I assume it would be Alt-W on Windows (maybe Ctrl-W?).

The trick is that the desktop needs to have the keyboard focus, not a window.  It won't work if you're typing in a window.  First, click on the desktop, then use the key combo.  This is a bit inconvenient for closing a single window, but it works well if you want to clean up a bunch of windows.

And horribly the same short-cut means "Find a message names" when the screen has focus.  I've lost a few windows that way :(  I don't quite understand when magic-W means close window and when it means Find message names.

Oops, I wasn't very precise.  I meant Cmd-w (lower-case "w").  The shortcut that Eliot is referring to uses an upper-case "W".



Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
Something like Ctrl + W or similar. It think this would be a really useful shortcut (at least for me haha).

Thanks in advance.