On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Frank Shearar <frank.shearar@gmail.com> wrote:
So once again I find myself catching up with Pavel's work.

He said a while back that:

- delegation to UIManager, MorphicUIManager implementation should be added

What I think that means is this:
* moving DisplayScreen >> #newDepth: to UIManager >> #newDepth:
* changing "Display newDepth: foo" to "UIManager default newDepth: foo"
* adding UIManager >> newDepthNoRestore: as a self subclassResponsibility
* changing any "Display newDepthNoRestore: foo" occurrences
* moving DisplayScreen >> #newDepthNoRestore to MorphicUIManager >>
* copying most of MorphicUIManager >> #newDepthNoRestore: to
MVCUIManager or whatever it's called ("most" means "everything outside
a Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue: []")

* delegates setting screen depth to the UIManager, and
* avoids making Graphics depend on ToolBuilder-Kernel (because TBK
already depends on Graphics (because of a probably removable test case

The assumption here is that Graphics is lower level/more fundamental than TBK.



Hi Frank,

This assumption seems eminently reasonable to me.  Smalltalk has long been focused on providing a direct graphical representation of the system to the user. This says to me then that, before we can make tools for the system, we need a way of representing them onscreen. So having Graphics be lower level than TBK makes sense when I come at it from that angle.

Thanks for your great work,