> This is a very good notice for us. Actually, you can compile openDBX by
> yourself or by binaries. Last week I update the wiki and I explained that
> here:
> http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6129

Hmm, put in my todo. I had to tweak the makefiles a bit on windows, since
"xyz.so" was hardcoded and so "xyz.dll" was not recognized to be built by
the OpenDBX-build chain.

Also, on make install, the DLLs are not copied correctly, but you can pick
them from the lib/.libs/ dir. I supposed that should be discussed on the
OpenDBX mail list.

Sorry to bother you again but we found a bug  (but now it is already fixed) in openDBX with sqlite3 in windows. Could you please tell me with which Windows (2000, xp, vista) you could make it work ?

