Well, we should be okay because that's how it was *before* the addition of #font to PluggableTextSpec back in 2016. :-)


Am 20.05.2019 13:59:25 schrieb K K Subbu <kksubbu.ml@gmail.com>:


Thank you for merging this patch into main line. Tim had reported issues
with fonts in an earlier posting on 23 Jul 2018:


With this fix, the fonts came out as intended in fontSizeSummary but
because it modified a class that goes into almost all tools I wasn't
sure if I had injected any side effect.

Regards .. Subbu

On 20/05/19 1:54 PM, Marcel Taeumel wrote:
> Hi Subbu,
> you have a point. Such defaults in tool-builder specs are interfering
> with defaults in morphs (or other widgets).
> Which effects did you observe after making this change?
> Best,
> Marcel
>> Am 15.03.2019 07:44:34 schrieb K K Subbu :
>> Hi,
>> PluggableTextSpec>>font returns a default font if font is not specified.
>> This results in default font overriding any fonts in the plugged
>> textmorphs :-( as in the case of Help->FontSizeSummary. The exact font
>> to be used to render text should be determined lazily by textMorph and
>> not in pluggable text spec.
>> My proposed fix has a wide ranging effect, so I am posting it here for a
>> critique before finalizing a patch to Inbox.
>> Thanks and Regards .. Subbu