One other thing.  Do you have the publicKey for that privateKey you used in the test case?  We should really be checking the verification step as well.

From: Denis Kudriashov
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 9:51 AM
To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
Subject: Re: [squeak-dev] Crypto RSAWithSHA1 sign

Hello, Rob.

I found solution. VW help me very much.

Your changes almost right.

method SHA1 class>>digestInfoAsn1DerEncodingFromMessage: is good and placed right. But method RSAPrivateKey>>v15SignMessageHash: is wrong:

RSAPrivateKey>>v15SignMessageHash: encodedMsg

    | padded toBeSigned |
    padded := ByteArray new: (256 - encodedMsg size - 3) withAll: 255.
    toBeSigned := #(0) asByteArray, #(1) asByteArray, padded, #(0) asByteArray, encodedMsg.
    ^ (self crypt: toBeSigned asInteger) asByteArray.

I examine what happen in VW code (it is work good like java). And now I have this version:

v15SignMessageHash: encodedMsg

    | int emLen |
    emLen := (p * q) digitLength -1.
    int := LargePositiveInteger basicNew: emLen.
    " Our LargeIntegers are little endian, so we have to reverse the bytes"
    encodedMsg with: (encodedMsg size to: 1 by: -1) do: [:each :index |
        int basicAt: index put: each].
    int basicAt: encodedMsg size + 1 put: 0.

    encodedMsg size + 2 to: emLen - 1 do: [ :ind | int basicAt: ind put: 255].
    int basicAt: emLen put: 1.
    ^ (self crypt: int) asByteArray.

This is give me results same as java and VW.

I attach this method and acceptence test for it.

2010/9/21 Rob Withers <>
I looks like I missed step 2 on page 38.  I am not preappending the AlgorithmIndentifier and producing the DER encoding of the DigestInfo prior to padding and encrypting.  I implemented it in the attached changeset.  Please load this and test for me. 
Note that it requires either all of Cryptography from the Cryptography repository loaded, or all of CryptoBase and CryptoCerts from the inbox.  The digest requires ASN1 encoding framework which is in the certificate package.

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [squeak-dev] Crypto RSAWithSHA1 sign

I do not know why I was looking at PKCS#11.  THe RSA spec is PKCS#1.  In that document ( on page 25 it says:
"Two signature schemes with appendix are specified in this document: RSASSA-PSS and RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5."
I implemented v1_5.  It may be that Java is using PSS.  I may have implemented v1.5 wrong.  The signature creation and verification algorithms start on page 30.  The encoding is on 35.

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [squeak-dev] Crypto RSAWithSHA1 sign

Hi Denis,
I originally wrote the v15 signature methods in April of 2007.  I am currently trying to download the PKCS#11 V2.30 doc to verify, but IIRC there are more than one signature algorithm defined for RSA.  I don't recall why I chose v15.  Perhaps Java is using another RSA signature function.
There are no explicit tests for this signature.  There is a test inside of the CryptoX509Test  (#verifySHA1WithRSAEncryptionFromParentCertificate: ), but it isn't used as the certificate that exposed it has expired and so is failing.  I removed that certificate test.
Let's talk bytes...the way this works in Squeak is that the RSA pads the SHA1 hashed message and encrypts it.
v15SignMessage: aMessage
 ^ self v15SignMessageHash: (SHA1 hashMessage: aMessage).
v15SignMessageHash: encodedMsg
 | padded toBeSigned |
 padded := ByteArray new: (256 - encodedMsg size - 3) withAll: 255.
 toBeSigned := #(0) asByteArray, #(1) asByteArray, padded, #(0) asByteArray, encodedMsg.
 ^ (self crypt: toBeSigned asInteger) asByteArray.
Presumably the #crypt: function will be the same in Java and Squeak given the same key.  So if there are 2 different signature functions in RSA, I would suspect that the padding would be different.
Still trying to download the spec....
What do you think?

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 11:21 AM
Subject: [squeak-dev] Crypto RSAWithSHA1 sign


Is somebody use Cryptography for RSA with SHA1 digital signature?

I try do same result as I hava in java programm
I have rsa private key as smalltalk object. It has same values as java private key object.

But code

privateKey v15SignMessage: message asByteArray  .

returns me wrong result. Its differ from java working test