Hi Stef,

I looked and these are the standard windows title bar icons. My LookEnhancements do not change the icons one bit. The icons appear to be 10 x 10 in size and 16-bit color. I suspect if you provide new graphics of the same size then I can just swap out the storeStrings on the class-side of SystemWindow (i.e. closeBoxImage, collapseBoxImage, etc...) and voila!



On 7/23/05, stéphane ducasse <ducasse@iam.unibe.ch> wrote:
what size?
Because I could try to do that following the iconMenu I did when
diego started to put icons there.


On 23 juil. 05, at 4:23, John Pierce wrote:

> Hi Adrian,
> I've been using your LookEnhancements quite a lot and I really think
> it's an enhancement (at least from what I see visually) over what is
> the standard look.
> Of course, there are some things that I'd like to be improved as
> well, like the different shapes of buttons that I really think should
> be unified (I remember three different ones). Or, for example the
> icons in the title bar of the windows could be improved. I'd also
> make the title bar of the windows a bit less high...
> Do you or anyone care to develop new icons to be used in the title
> bar? Shoot some candidates my way if you have some ideas.
> Regards,
> John
> --
> It's easy to have a complicated idea. It's very very hard to have a
> simple idea. -- Carver Mead

It's easy to have a complicated idea. It's very very hard to have a simple idea. -- Carver Mead