2009/9/30 Göran Krampe <goran@krampe.se>

Ok, after a lot of mucking around I have decided to stick with the current Handbrake script I have. It is now running churning out movies here:


There are 43-91 movies, they will appear automatically when they have been encoded. NOTE: The one with the highest number is not yet READY! Unless it is numbered 91 of course :)

Now, two things:

1. If you are unhappy with this format, holler! I can still start over.

2. Please help me out by writing down what these files actually contain!

Here is a wiki page for that: http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6147

Thanks Göran for your time and effort.
The only thing I could add is to put happier names to the files. Because with the name you don't know which video is it. And here: http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6147
there are few description only.

Thanks a lot.

regards, Göran