Alt-period is the magic CTRL-BREAK keystroke you are looking for.

I have ALWAYS had trouble installing FreeType beyond version 0.433, plus I run all my images from the same VM that already had the plugins in that directory, so I just manually load FFI, then an old copy of FreeType (using Montico like you pointed out).  On the older versions, I install the FreeTypeSubPixelAntiAliasing as well, but if you got 0.5 to install you probably don't need that.

I think it's the plugin installation that is generally troublesome.  It used to work right from the Universe Browser after running Level Playing Field, but basically you did everything "right!"  I would just create a directory for your VM and plugins and set up a file association to squeak images, and then install just FFI and FreeType in the future and you should be good!

Take care,


On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 5:01 PM, Andrey Larionov <> wrote:
Hello, I'm trying to install FreeType from Universe, but no success.
If i select FreeType Plus 0.5 and press install button it installs FFI
3.9.1, and then hangs on installation of FreeType plugin installer
Then i close image (force without save) and open again. And select to
install FreeType plugin installer 0.16 (without any other packages).
In this way package installs. Then is select to install FreeType
plugin 0.5 and click on button. It installs FFI and when starts
FreeType 0.5 installation it hangs.
Then i close image (force without save), cleans all downloaded
resources (.sar, .dll, .mcz in all folders) and open again. Separatly
install plugin installer and FFI and on FreeType 0.5 it hangs again.
Then i close image and clean resources. After it i download .mcz for
FreeType plugin from SqueakMap and put in package-cache in hope, what
it simply cannot download. But no success. After again cleaning and
restarting i install plugin installer and FFI, and then load FreeType
plugin from mcz using Monticelo Browser. And now it's works.

Any suggestions? My enviroment: WinXP SP3 with lastest updates on
VirtualBox under Ubuntu 8.10. Affected vms: SqueakVM-Win32-3.10.6-bin,
Squeak3.10.2-7179. Affected images:,,

As i rememeber in Squeak there is some magic keystroke, which breaks
currently running tasks and brings debugger. Can you referesh my
