That asMutator thing is from some very old notes.

I did not have to do that on this install.

sorry for the confusion, I don't know why I copy-n-pasted that into the email.


---- On Fri, 14 Jul 2023 03:29:26 -0400 Marcel Taeumel via Squeak-dev <> wrote ---

I had to implement Symbol>>#asMutator in a very similar set of installations - Seaside, Postgresql & OSprocess.

Hmm... it's still present in 5.3, 6.0, and 6.1alpha ... there was only a short period of time when we removed this or put it into deprecation or something. Hmm...


Am 13.07.2023 18:46:47 schrieb Tim Rowledge <>:

I had to implement Symbol>>#asMutator in a very similar set of installations - Seaside, Postgresql & OSprocess.

> On 2023-07-13, at 5:17 AM, gettimothy via Squeak-dev wrote:
> Apps->SeasideControlPanel (stop service, change port if needed, etc)
> bug in WAFormInputTag chage asSelector asMutator to asSelector asSimpleSetter

"Return a setter message from a getter message. For example, #name asMutator returns #name:
Temporary over-ride until Seaside 3.5 release"
^self asSimpleSetter

tim Rowledge;;
"Bother!" said Pooh, as Piglet pressed on the Microwave...