Damned ! you're probably right, I was on the wrong list ! that's probably why I've learnt Python so quick ;)

On 22/04/06, stéphane ducasse < ducasse@iam.unibe.ch> wrote:
May be this is my english but for me

squeak-Tutor tells me that this is for teachers and not for learners :)

On 22 avr. 06, at 18:10, Hilaire Fernandes wrote:

> francois schnell a écrit :
>> Personally I quiet like the "tutor" prefix (or any prefix which
>> focus on
>> *learning* but not on belonging to any kind of select club or
>> 'sect').
>> As I mentioned before the list 'Python-Tutors' works well and have
>> been
>> very helpful for me and it begins with a statement which don't scare
>> beginners : "Tutor -- Discussion for learning programming with
>> Python".
> I agree with François, "tutor" included in the mailing list name
> will be
> meaningfull for starters.
> Hilaire