Hmmm. Totally different behavior in this method if the preference #reverseWindowStagger is enabled. What I don't understand is why the window staggering policy should have anything to do with the default height or width of windows.

I am officially calling shenanigans on this method. 

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 1:56 PM, Casey Ransberger <> wrote:
Found it.

RealEstateAgent class>>standardWindowExtent
^ (allowedArea extent - (grid*(maxLevel+1*2) + (grid//2))) min: StandardSize "600@400"].

Something is going wrong with the math here. Changing this line to (note that I've just commented everything out and returned 600@400) fixes the bug, but probably breaks tons of other stuff:

^"^ (allowedArea extent - (grid*(maxLevel+1*2) + (grid//2))) min: StandardSize "600@400].

I'm going to see if I can figure out exactly what's going wrong with this, and if so, push a proper fix to the Inbox.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Casey Ransberger <> wrote:
When I open a system browser in recent trunk images, the browser opens up squished vertically so the first thing I need to do is resize it. I could swear I'd seen this some place before, and the fix wound up being in toolbuilder somewhere. IIRC Andreas pointed out the fix, but I can't find the message anywhere in any of my inboxes.

As a sanity check, are other people seeing this too? I might note that I've been using Squeak on a very small screen lately, if that makes any difference (I don't know, maybe the browser tries to open at a % of total screen real estate, which is too small on my box?)