On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 5:30 AM, Gustavo Duarte <gduarte@activitycentral.com> wrote:
Following with my research, as you suggested, i checked the what parameters I'm passing at starting of squeak VM.

I executed "SmalltalkImage current extractParameters" on a XO (where Etoys is working fine and on a ClassMate with Ubuntu)

Te result are:

As you can see, on CM (Ubuntu) the Dictionary has the key-value inverted.

I got an echo output from script etoys of classmate, as you can see bellow.
Seems the passing argument is correct, right ?


exec  squeak -encoding UTF-8 -vm-display-x11 -xshm -sugarBundleId org.vpri.EtoysActivity -sugarActivityId fb6717c7fece5e96de49f74ead6b01110228f086 -vm-sound-pulse /usr/share/etoys/etoys.image   BUNDLE_PATH /usr/share/sugar/activities/Etoys.activity SQUEAKLETS /home/gustavo/.sugar/default/org.vpri.EtoysActivity/instance BUNDLE_ID org.vpri.EtoysActivity ACTIVITY_ID fb6717c7fece5e96de49f74ead6b01110228f086

For what reason the the key-values of Dictionary are inverted ?

what's the output of ps ww PID for the running process on XO and CM?  That should show you what arguments have been passed to the VM.  If the arguments look screwy the bug is in the launch script.  If they don't look screwy the problem is in the VM.

Another thing, that could you me suggest to follow ?

Thanks in advance.


On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Gustavo Duarte <gduarte@activitycentral.com> wrote:
HI David,

You are right, the output of: "SmalltalkImage current extractParameters" is an empty Dictionary.

Many thanks for the clue, now i have to figure out, why the parameter passing isn't working.



On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 1:13 PM, David Corking <lists@dcorking.com> wrote:
Yesterday Gustavo Duarte wrote
> I installed last version of Etoys:
> http://etoys.squeak.org/download/Etoys-To-Go-5.0.1-RC4.zip on machine
> The problem that we are having is, when from Etoys, when I trying to save
> the project, journal option isn't showed on menu.

Welcome Gustavo!

I am sorry, I haven't the bandwidth to try the versions you need, and
I don't know the
relevant classes deeply. Instead I had a quick look at Etoys 5.0 in
Sugar 0.98 in Fedora 19. You may already have tried this:


  SugarLauncher new isRunningInSugar

That should be true. If it is false, the navigator flap will not show
the journal buttons.

If it is false, then print

  SmalltalkImage current extractParameters

It should be a dictionary that includes parameters set by the
Sugar launch script. In the older version of Sugar I have here, they

If not, I would suggest a look at the python and shell scripts that
launch Etoys.

Have fun! David

p.s. I expect your question will be welcome on the etoys-dev mailing list:
