
Am 19.11.2022 00:06:09 schrieb commits@source.squeak.org <commits@source.squeak.org>:

Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of Installer-Core to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Installer-Core-ct.453
Author: ct
Time: 19 November 2022, 12:05:57.795955 am
UUID: d2a0cc9f-69ed-a149-b661-62b19024829a
Ancestors: Installer-Core-ct.452

Proposal: Stores API selectors for Metacello in MetacelloStub to avoid UnknownSelector warnings upon initial Metacello usage.

E.g., if you evaluate any installation script from the web in a vanilla Squeak image that uses Metacello's #githubUser:project:path: selector, the image will no longer complain about an unknown selector, which sometimes causes confusion in beginners and experts. :-)

=============== Diff against Installer-Core-ct.452 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MetacelloStub class>>apiSelectors (in category 'support') -----
+ apiSelectors
+ "To avoid UnknownSelector warnings upon initial Metacello usage. Support only. By adding this method, these selectors will already be contained in the symbol table before Metacello is installed."
+ "(Metacello selectors , Metacello class selectors) withoutDuplicates sorted"
+ ^ #(#addStatement:args: #baseline: #bitbucketUser:project:commitish:path: #blueplane: #cacheRepository: #className: #classic #configuration: #croquet: #execute:args: #executorSpec #executorSpec: #fetch #fetch: #filetreeDirectory: #gemsource: #get #githubUser:project:commitish:path: #githubUser:project:path: #ignoreImage #image #impara: #list #load #load: #lock #locked #onConflict: #onConflictUseIncoming #onConflictUseIncoming:useLoaded: #onConflictUseLoaded #onDowngrade: #onDowngradeUseIncoming #onDowngradeUseIncoming: #onLock: #onLockBreak #onLockBreak: #onUpgrade: #onUpgradeUseLoaded #onUpgradeUseLoaded: #onWarning: #onWarningLog #password: #project: #record #record: #register #registrations #registry #renggli: #repository: #repositoryOverrides: #saltypickle: #scriptExecutor #scriptExecutorClass #scriptExecutorClass: #silently #smalltalkhubUser:project: #squeakfoundation: #squeaksource3: #squeaksource: #ss3: #statements #statements: #swa: #swasource: #unlock #unregister #usernam
e: #version: #wiresong:) !