That's great news!

> - Adds VectorEnginePlugin

Is there an easy answer to the question what that's good for? After some googling and searching on the mailing lists, I did not find any. :-)


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On 2022-05-11T12:03:49+02:00, wrote:

> Hi all!
> We just released the next version of the OpenSmalltalk VM. 
> Please find the binaries here:
> []
> (see VMMaker.oscog-mt.3184 and update.oscog-mt.6.mcm)
> That version will be used in the upcoming Squeak 6.0 and also updated
> bundles for Squeak 5.3. And probably in upcoming Cuis releases. :-)
> Here is an attempt of a change log (since 2020): 
> - Adds ARMv8/Aarch64/ARM64 JIT incl. support for Apple M1
> - Adds "fast C primitives" via #FastCPrimitiveFlag
> - Adds support for catching exceptions in FFI callouts
> - Adds #primitiveScreenScaleFactor (for DPI-aware images)
> - Adds primitives 568 and 578 complementing 88 (primitiveSuspend)
> - Adds #primitiveMultipleBytecodeSetsActive to update image format for SistaV1
> - Adds VectorEnginePlugin
> - Fixes regressions in ARMv6 support
> - Fixes performance regressions of -metal and -opengl backends on macOS
> - Fixes -core-graphics backend on macOS
> - Fixes Retina scaling on macOS, i.e., support "backing scale factor"
> - Fixes primitive 126 to fail on graphics backends w/o composition buffer
> - Fixes regressions in vm-display-fbdev on Linux
> - Fixes time sync (e.g., for DST) on Windows
> - Fixes UDP binding on Windows
> I am sure that I forgot something especially in plugin code. Please expand on this.
> BIG THANKS to everybody who has worked on this release! Personally, I would like
> to thank Eliot, who is a great software architect who keeps on making the OSVM
> faster with every commit. Thank you!
> Best,
> Marcel (on behalf of the OSVM core dev team)
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