yes, i have downloaded the codes from
svn checkout
regarding the chinese character, the code is working for Squeak 3.8, and 3.9
but using these codes, 3.10 has problem on typed in chinese character.....
Also for Squeak 4.1 it seems it has been changed much from based, am I right?

2011/1/30 K. K. Subramaniam <>
On Sunday 30 Jan 2011 11:44:16 am Eric wrote:
> and i run following to installFont:
>  (Locale isoLanguage: 'zh') languageEnvironment fontDownload.
> seems not font support on the net, any suggestion on how could i got the
> font for chinese?
You need to leave a FontSimplifiedChineseEnvironment.sar in the default
directory for Squeak to load it automatically.

Have you seen ? I can't read Chinese
and have no idea of what those forums contain :-( but I did see some posters
including the SAR file for Chinese support.

HTH .. Subbu