On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 6:01 AM, David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com> wrote:
On Tue, Sep 06, 2016 at 10:19:23AM -0700, tim Rowledge wrote:
> So - what about a nice list of all the cool things that have come out of Squeak over the last 20 years?
> I???ll start with the ones I can remember:
> Scratch
> eToys
> Spoon
> Cuis
> Pharo
> Croquet/OpenCobalt/3DICC-Terf/
> Sophie
> exobox
> MediaView (remember Interval Research? Of course not, it was so secret nobody knew when it died!)
> WeatherDimensions
> MathMorphs
> Kedama
> Frank
> Nile
> Balloon3D
> If we can come up with a moderate length list of the top ones I can design a Tshirt graphic to suit. The full list ought to be part of a swiki page, if indeed it isn???t already.

Remember Squeak News? A fully multimedia interactive publication
distributed on and running in Squeak. Way ahead of its time, with
no advertising, and no spam blockers required :-) I think I may
have some of the original disks stashed away somewhere. They used
to arrive in my actual mailbox with real stamps on the envelope.


Oh yeah, those were neat.  Although I missed the physical disc part.
