On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 4:57 PM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
I want Environments and I want Traits too.  You say "Nobody cares. Nobody wants to make Squeak better. The only thing the Squeak community values is compatibility with Alan's demos, and a version of Etoys that nobody uses.".  None of those statements are true of my efforts or, as far as I can see, of the significant efforts of the HPI team, or of Tim Rowledge, if Chris Muller or Levente Uzoni, and probably a lot of other folks too.

Squeak is my day to day workhorse.  The HOI folks are improving the environment at great velocity.  Squeak 5 is ~40% faster than Squeak 4.6.  Neither of these things are true because no one cares. Colin, mon brave!  Mon pôte.  Despair not!

Well, I did admit that it was over the top. :-)

I do think Frank had a point, though. Squeak has had many ambitious projects over the years, but they all die because one person can't sustain the necessary effort for the time it takes to get it done, and the community can't pick up the slack. We've got to get better at this.

I'll poke around over the holidays and make a list of Environments issues. Then we can figure out how to tackle them. 
