Fun stuff :-D
Here is a version of a spirograph I made in the Etoys image a few years ago.
I had the trails form in the play field move so I could make a cool graph


On Thu, Aug 4, 2022 at 6:55 PM Yoshiki Ohshima <> wrote:
It's fun indeed.

I remember making some Etoys to draw some regular waveforms...

On Thu, Aug 4, 2022 at 7:58 AM Vanessa Freudenberg <> wrote:
On Thu, Aug 4, 2022 at 01:15 Stéphane Rollandin <> wrote:

> I'm unable to think algebraically very effectively but can
> think visually (for example I didn't understand the fourier transform
> algebraically (the double integral formulation), but understand it
> perfectly well as an infinite set of infinite integrals of the products
> of a sine wave with an arbitrary waveform (itself composed of sine
> waves)).

As a visual person myself, Fourier transform did only really click with
me intuitively when I saw it related to epicycles. See Mathologer's
video here:


Thank you for that video! Really enjoyable – I knew the epicyclic explanation for how Fourier synthesis can generate a curve, but never understood Fourier analysis, how to find the factors for a given curve. I had a light bulb moment in the last part of the video where all the integrals in the infinite sum become zero except for one particular term. Beautiful!


-- Yoshiki