The Tunk process works, you like or not.

Not for me it doesn't. The first commit I would want to make would break trunk.

In this community the following two approaches do not work.

1. We all use one package in common, it is diverging, it is not easy to maintain. Lets put it in a common place, and work on it together.

2. I have this idea, I wonder if someone else is already doing this, perhaps I can help them.

Ironically, I have gone from being the person most eager and willing to work with others, the person most likely to contribute to someone else's project, to being the person that is least desirable to work with.

My crime? - trusting the board, and trusting anyone to respect the time and effort invested.

Stefane had a choice, shall I join in with the public version of MC1.5 or not. He chose NOT.
Stefane had a choice, shall I join in with the public version of SUnit or not. He chose NOT.
Andreas had an obvious choice, shall I or shall I not, discuss the idea of trunk with the existing release team, he chose NOT. (when his job on the board was release-team liason!)

Andreas had an obvious choice, shall I or shall I not, see how to help existing release team along, he chose NOT.
Andreas had an obvious choice, shall I or shall I not, base trunk on "3.10-build", he chose NOT.

and the rest as they say is history.

This is not a technical problem, some fundamental shifts in thinking appear to be needed, and they aren't happening as far as I can see.
