On 22/04/06, stéphane ducasse <ducasse@iam.unibe.ch> wrote:
Ok so let's find a good name.

my 2 cents:

I personally think it should emphasize on the idea of *learning* (I think Squeak needs that: more programmers/teachers/students/people  *learning* to program in Squeak and do useful things with it) 


It looks like a club to me not sure if it's about learning.


No strong  opinion


Don't like it and doesn't look like *learning* but eventually 'gossiping', maybe in a squeak manner  ;)

squeak-users (i'm afraid that people think about using = etoy but why

I tend to like it but maybe 'Squeakers' are 'above' *using* (the users of) a software. To me Squeak seems more about 'building'/learning/programing  than 'using'.

Personally I quiet like the "tutor" prefix (or any prefix which focus on *learning* but not on belonging to any kind of select club or 'sect'). As I mentioned before the list 'Python-Tutors' works well and have been very helpful for me and it begins with a statement which don't scare beginners : "Tutor -- Discussion for learning programming with Python".

Anyway I think the idea is that it should be clear for newcomers that they are welcome to ask even 'silly'/obvious/abc question in a list which is designed for that (meaning few threads about hacking the VM or Bug Reports)

Whatever the name of the list I think it's a great initiative, thanks :)
