Click the triangle button in the title bar of the system window with your browser in it. You should be able to choose a different browser there. 

On May 12, 2010, at 2:09 AM, Squeak List <> wrote:

this "seems" to do the exact same as before...
i am wondering how to get back to the original browser which came with 4.1... via a Preferences option, possibly... which i do not find existing - and i am not asking you, or anyone else to create: this is just something i find curious. and i probably missed the emails and webpages that explain how to do so...
the 3 choices seems to only happen/appear 1 time after what i described before and what you describe below: and if one chooses OB, you are stuck with it forever... ???
it just seems like those 3 choices would always appear when you try 2 open a browser: unless there was a preference (i am guessing - but maybe under the Browsing Preference?) that would get rid of the Browsing(BROWSER) options which bloat your system and "you know you have no interest in"??
it seems that it could at least be possible to go back to the original 4.1 browser via a preference maybe? or at least a comment somewhere obvious (which is indeed probably there and i missed it) about how 2 do so? maybe not. i don't know right now.
i most often just save/re-name my images before (or after) i try out anything new.
which is perfectly fine :)
i also ask questions from time to time.
and really appreciate when someone finds time to answer :)

From: Chris Cunnington <>
Sent: Tue, May 11, 2010 11:23:36 AM
Subject: [squeak-dev] Refactoring Browser and Rewrite Engine for Squeak

I just changed the Squeak Wiki  <> entry about the RefactoringBrowser to what you see below. If what I've said is wrong, please say how. Also, the username/password for changing the Squeak Wiki is squeak/viewpoints. Anybody can contribute or update.


The RefactoringBrowser is now a series of menues in the OmniBrowser. You get the OmniBrowser in your system by executing this code in a Workspace.

(Installer wiresong project: 'ob')
install: 'OmniBrowser';
install: 'OB-Morphic';
install: 'OB-Standard';
install: 'OB-Shout';
install: 'OB-SUnitIntegration'.

"Refactoring engine and OB integration"
(Installer ss project: 'rb')
install: 'AST';
install: 'Refactoring-Core';
install: 'Refactoring-Spelling';
project: 'Regex';
install: 'VB-Regex'.

(Installer wiresong project: 'ob')
install: 'OB-Refactory';
install: 'OB-Regex'.

Once you've done that, when you reach for a browser, it will ask you which of three browsers you want: Packaging, Omni, or regular. You can change from one to the other by clicking on a menu on the top rim of an open browser.