On 7/5/23 21:58, rabbit wrote:

Enjoy and hit me up with your thoughts. Appreciate.

Tak. Arrivederch, rabbit.


On 7/5/23 08:13, rabbit wrote:

Alright, I removed the choice from ParrotTalk. I would share a note about Promises. I removed the PriorityVat and am now scheduling eventual sends on the ProcesssorScheduler, which maintains ordering. This allows the use of Semaphore waits. Performs better too.

Good morning, rabbit

On 7/4/23 23:11, rabbit wrote:

Hello all,

I bailed on getting NaCl working, though the support for libsodium FFI is there. However, I was able to complete my long efforts at moving ASN1 to recognize class tagging. And I have a test! Thus these changes to Crypto's ASN1 is to support my efforts with EParrotTalk and I believe I am finished with these changes. #GREEN! Andso, I will put a seal on this release of ProCrypto.release.3-rabbt.60.mcm.

Nota bene: I am automatically updating from the alpha truck every time the image resumes.

Installer ss project: 'Cryptography'; install: 'ProCrypto.release.3'.

In ParrotTalk, I got all the v39 headers working, Now to the protocol state machine, though they are still being marshaled with a choice, so I am not yet directly marshaling them as first class ASN1Types with the applicationClass class tag <2r01>. I am using numeric tags 0-31 between ParrotTalk and PromisesFar. I have registering them all, so I am ready to remove the choice. You fail 100% of the time you don't take your shot.

