
| names sp |
names := SerialPort2 portNames.
names do: [:each | Transcript show: each; cr]. "List of ports"
sp := SerialPort2 new.
sp openPortNamed: names first baud: 115200.
(Delay forMilliseconds:2000) wait.
sp isOpen ifTrue: [
sp close.

Is it correct? I don't get any error at this point...

2009/6/20 Jon Hylands <>
On Sat, 20 Jun 2009 16:37:53 +0200, Víctor C. T. <>

> SerialPort2 is a class that I imported from Scratch source code. The port is open correctly, I can see how the board receives data because the RX led blinks, but TX doesn't. I tried several ways to do this but anything worked. If anyone who's worked with Arduino knows what I'm doing wrong, tell me please. I will send the code and more detailed information if needed.

Can you show me how you open the SerialPort?


  Jon Hylands

 Project: Micro Raptor (Small Biped Velociraptor Robot)
