
Have you look at OpenQwaq? and it's Python-Smalltalk bridge http://squeakingalong.wordpress.com/2011/05/04/openqwaq-python-integration/


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 4:42 PM, dimitris chloupis <thekilon@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Probably I have mentioned this several times but I am working on a project for visual programming targeting 3d app blender. I am using currently pharo though I am still interested in squeak too and I have decided that in order to communicate with blender python to use a socket bridge. My project is named "Ephestos". Now what was wondering is the following, how difficult it would be to parse smalltalk to python. Ephestos is of course smalltalk , and blender uses python for its addon system. It would be great if extensions made in Ephestos could converted to python addons.

I am already planning to map smalltalk methods to Blender python api call, but I was wondering how easy it would be to parse that code to python.

So far I am aware of OMeta and Petit Parser libraries. What are your suggestions ?