Deactivating DynamicProtocols speeds OB a lot (although it can be better, i think)
Thanks Damien!

On 9/27/07, Damien Cassou <> wrote:
2007/9/27, Michael Fremont <>:
> I love the features of the OmniBrowser, and was using it for a couple
> of weeks.  I had to stop using it because it was very slow; but worse,
> it may have a memory leak.
> Let me explain.  As I continued to use the browser my image size got
> much bigger, even after invoking Smalltalk garbageCollect.  I can't be
> sure this is due to the browser; but since I switched back to the
> regular browser I have no such problem.  Of course, I'm doing lots of
> things, so it could be a coincidence...

Did you use a Squeak-dev image? It may be due to DynamicProtocols.
Have a look at the preferences browser and deactivate them.

Would be cool if some people here helped us accelerate OB.

Damien Cassou

"Querer es suscitar las paradojas"
Camus. El míto de Sísifo.