Hi all,

I have been playing around a bit with midi support and was pretty delighted that you can actually synthesize inputs from a midi keyboard using MidiInputMorph! Out of curiosity, here are a few short questions:

  1. As far as I could find out, there is currently no support for recording midi in the Trunk, is it? There are MIDISynth and MidiInputMorph, but there seems not to exist any connection to the PianoKeyboardMorph or the Piano Roll yet? Imagine you could press Record in a score player and add another track by playing it on your physical midi keyboard ...
  2. Also, there is not yet any file-out for midi, right? This would also be cool: Store the events from an input midi port, add them as a new track to a score, and serialize the score to a .mid file later.
  3. Last but not least: Should the MIDIPlugin be fully functional on Linux? On my Ubuntu machine, I can use the output port but primitiveMidiRead always fails. On Windows, everything is fine.

Have a nice weekend!

