On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 6:25 PM, Andreas Raab <andreas.raab@gmx.de> wrote:
Igor Stasenko wrote:
There is a wiki page, already dedicated to it

Or , maybe its worth create a new page 'Profiling in Squeak' .. or
give it more appropriate name

Now up at http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6122

Which reminds me: I had forgotten how much I hate the Swiki. It is ugly, horribly conflated, and effectively unusable.

Wikis are like gardens.  Untended they grow like weeds.  Unless one has a writership with an active minority of editors, who spend time trying to reorganize the wiki as it sprawls one may well end up with something effectively unusable.  But as a form for organizing growing reference material IMO they can't be beat; look at Wikipedia.  That is a superb wiki.  The VisualWorks wiki was pretty good until its lack of spam protection and lack of long-term hosting killed it dead.  Couldn't we have a community project to reorganize the wiki?  Its the right form, its just a little overgrown right now.
Should we replace the damn thing with a community blog instead?

Different form for different uses.  The Squeak daily news works as a blog.  I can't see how a blog would scale to hold the reference material for Galaxy Squeak.

I think this might be a better way of dealing with the information overload - you get dated, tagged entry and if we keep this open for pretty much every member of the community (using the "standard" username/password from the Swiki) we could use it much the same.

I'd be more than willing to write up my post as a blog article instead. I just don't have a blog and even if I had I doubt many people would use it. A community blog could be a nice, lively place to post your thoughts in a bit more organized manner and would make an attractive target for people who just want to know what's going on in the world of Squeak.

 - Andreas