Yes, and that’s exactly what I would have appreciated to know when I started contributing:) I didn’t know about a Trunk because, of course, I hadn’t read all the more or less available pieces of documentation etc. The release version is fine if you plan to build something, I guess; but for learning (self-learning in my case) I’d say the Trunk is better… especially if you follow Squeak-dev or Slack discussions where the Trunk version is usually referenced (without saying so).





Jaromír Matas




From: David T. Lewis
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2022 0:58
To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
Subject: Re: [squeak-dev] Make the trunk stream more discoverable? (was: Docs on Contributing to Squeak)


My original thought in starting this thread was simply that a new
user starting with a release image may not be aware that they can
easily follow the trunk, and they might not know that they can open
a preference browser to do so. If you are in a classroom setting
then someone will explain it to you, but if nobody is around to
tell you about it, then how would you know?

Yes I know that having newbies updating from the trunk is likely
to result in "why is my package dirty" questions, but that's OK
and maybe it will motivate us to find better ways to keep the
update stream clean.
