Hi Tobias,

Can you get me the result of

{ DisplayScreen actualScreenScaleFactor .
Display platformScaleFactor.
Display uiScaleFactor.
Display platformScaleFactor.
RealEstateAgent scaleFactor.
RealEstateAgent windowScaleFactor }

Before: #(1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 1.0)
After: #(2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2 1.0)

Before is when I'm hooked up to my external monitor, in mirroring mode, and my laptop is also open (so things get tiny on its end).

After is when I've disconnected the laptop and I'm just using it by itself.
One thing I just noticed now -- and perhaps this will help someone reproduce -- is that it only seems to be affecting workspaces that have been minimized. Just now I had an open workspace when I tried it and it didn't seem to be affected, while all of my minimized ones were.

On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 8:27 AM Tobias Pape <Das.Linux@gmx.de> wrote:

> On 28. Sep 2022, at 14:16, Eric Gade <eric.gade@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, I just realized I probably left out some key information. My setup is such that I mirror the laptop display to the external monitor when I connect it.

Yes, that might be important.

> I am on macOS 12.6 and here is the Squeak info:

I'm still on 10.13, so there might be slight differences....

Can you get me the result of

{ DisplayScreen actualScreenScaleFactor .
Display platformScaleFactor.
Display uiScaleFactor.
Display platformScaleFactor.
RealEstateAgent scaleFactor.
RealEstateAgent windowScaleFactor }

when attached and when detached?

Best regards

> Image format 68533 (64 bit)
> /Applications/Squeak6.0.app/Contents/MacOS/Squeak
> Open Smalltalk Cog[Spur] VM [CoInterpreterPrimitives VMMaker.oscog-dtl.3185] 64 bit
> Mac OS X built on Jun  2 2022 16:04:54 UTC Compiler: Apple LLVM 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)
> platform sources revision VM: 202206021410 runner@Mac-1654184818873.local:work/opensmalltalk-vm/opensmalltalk-vm Date: Thu Jun 2 16:10:44 2022 CommitHash: c9fd365 Plugins: 202206021410 runner@Mac-1654184818873.local:work/opensmalltalk-vm/opensmalltalk-vm
> CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-dtl.3185 uuid: 0e7f07b8-eed6-4362-b223-86c98594ddb9 Jun  2 2022
> StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-mt.3179 uuid: c6fbcb07-2a19-ed4f-8b40-9c119a70882a Jun  2 2022
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 8:12 AM Tobias Pape <Das.Linux@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi Eric
> I cannot reproduce the effect.
> Do you have steps I can take?
> Best regards
>         -Tobias
