Awesome! My next question was going to be, "other than the stuff I'm following, what else did y'all do this time?"

On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 11:24 AM, Frank Shearar <> wrote:
On 29 December 2013 17:53, Chris Muller <> wrote:
> Thanks Casey.  Just a reminder suggestion that we have this page:
> which we can use to document and coordinate (and link to other pages
> if it gets too big).

It's still premature, but I created
for 4.6, with the idea that if we decide to move anything out of the
above page (in other words defer any work to 4.6), we have a place to
put the todo items.


> On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 7:10 AM, Casey Ransberger
> <> wrote:
>> Forgive my wasting a bit of bandwidth here. I just wanted to say that I'm very pleased with the discussion I've seen around the new release, and the efforts that have gone into it.
>> I'm really glad that folks decided to embrace Environments. I do look forward to naming my classes whatever I want and not worrying about global namespace collisions. This is one of the biggest complaints I've seen pitching Squeak in corporate environments. I'd actually like to use this system at work, so that's a big deal to me.
>> I'm also really pleased with the effort around disentangling all of the circular dependencies. Squeak has needed this for a long time.
>> So basically: thanks everyone, this is fantastic work, and the future is a little brighter than it was before.
>> Also: is there anything that I can do to help out with the upcoming release? Figured I'd see about giving something back to folks who read all the way to the bottom of this post. Do we have release notes yet? Etcetera...
>> --Casey