On 23 August 2017 at 16:38, tim Rowledge <tim@rowledge.org> wrote:

> On 23-08-2017, at 11:16 AM, Frank Shearar <frank.shearar@gmail.com> wrote:
> At the risk of also sounding a bit like Obvious Man, you're doing something like "git push origin mybranch" in your shell while in your browser you're logged in? Are you using HTTPS auth or SSH auth for your push? (You can tell by looking at the URI printed out by "git remote -v".) 'Cos it sounds a whole lot like git running in the shell doesn't know your auth details.

I’m currently using GitHubDesktop on my iMac, because that’s what opened up when I cloned the squeak.org repository. Your question reads to my untutored eyes a bit like religious tracts - a sliding window across three syllables seems to make sense but when you try to put it all together... not so much.

My work is done! Pay me, and enter the Kingdom of Git! 

I appear to be logged in when looking at github in Safari, and GitHubDesktop preferences tells me likewise.

Right, that answers my question. I wondered whether you were doing something silly like looking at your browser, seeing that you were logged in _there_ and then from an entirely disconnected process (your shell) expected the shell to know about the browser's authenticated session. Hence "Obvious Man". I will have to bow out the conversation: I don't use GitHubDesktop. Tried it years ago, but it did nothing for me that git/gitk didn't give me from the CLI.

Version control systems; I think someone forgot the initial ‘a’ in that spelling.

I dunno. In my experience, it's the fancy version control tools (GitHubDesktop, Visual Studio's git integration) that seems ropy. Just using git on the command line, the only time I've had trouble is when I forgot to ssh-agent/pageant.exe my keys.


tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
"Today's subliminal thought is:"