Could we raise kind of ParserNotification when a piece of deprecated syntax is detected, rather than calling #notify: in Scanner? We could design such an ObsoleteSyntaxNotification in a way that allows the user to abort or ignore the warning.

Then, maybe we could suppress this kind of notification when loading code from Metacello (using #on:do:).



Von: Squeak-dev <> im Auftrag von Stéphane Rollandin <>
Gesendet: Samstag, 21. September 2019 21:53:39
Betreff: Re: [squeak-dev] Etoys infested by deprecation warnings
> It would be cool if users could turn the warnings off from the notifier
> that warns them. Then they wouldn't have to know that there is a
> preference, they would be told so right away.

