On 2 June 2016 at 10:32, Craig Latta <craig@blackpagedigital.com> wrote:

> We should be very careful about discussing this. I don’t think
> anything causes more annoyance, hard feeling, lost friendships,
> broken communities, lost projects and global war than syntactic
> debates.

     So true. The environment should show everyone what they want to
see, with the original material as an option. Arguing about these
personal preferences is implicitly accepting a broken environment. This
thread is a bad sign. :)

From a _reviewer's_ standpoint, I don't care about the author's personal preference. What is far more important is being able to see not the whitespace changes, but the actual meat of the matter. Review tools typically let you ignore whitespace changes, but since we use email as a review tool, we can make the reviewers' lives far easier if we pick _a_ layout convention, and the old & new versions are printed in the same way.

(Nitpick: the thread's about layout, not syntax. These are not the same, in Smalltalk at least. (C#'s Roslyn parser/compiler/etc library calls this stuff "trivia", for good reason.))


Craig Latta
Black Page Digital
+31 6 2757 7177 (SMS ok)
+ 1 415 287 3547 (no SMS)