
How do I open an OmniBrowser?

- There is no entry in the "World menu", entry "open..."
- OBBrowser open
     gives a Walkbalk window

- I use Squeak 3.10.2
- I have installed OmniBrowser-Morphic version 0.5 through the package "Universe".
- Is the version installed the correct one - there are many to choose from - the one I have chosen seems attractive because of the high version number.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions

Hannes Hirzel

1. Meta-Driven Browsers (2007) http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Archive/Papers/Berg07cOmnibrowser.pdf
2. The OmniBrowser Reference (2007) http://bergel.eu/download/OmnibrowserReference.pdf* (an extension of 1)

Question: Is there other documentation on the OmniBrowser available? (The documentation above is comprehensive, it describes the design of the OmniBrowser framework and three applications. So in particular some installation notes would be appreciated.)

Remark: I like the ObjectFinder http://decomp.ulb.ac.be/frdricpluquet/personalstuff/theobjectfinder/ which is a different package but based on the OmniBrowser framework and seems to be useful as it shows fields and methods. It replaces the standard inspector. So inspecting an object brings up an ObjectFinder.