2014-04-11 20:35 GMT+02:00 Chris Cunnington <websela@yahoo.com>:

On Apr 11, 2014, at 1:48 PM, Chris Muller <ma.chris.m@gmail.com> wrote:

Chris, I don't know how someone who likes sci-fi and Obama could end
up causing me this much chest pain.

How could I be so _happy_ about you replacing the SM Server last week,
but hyperventilating about it this week?  It's because you're
unilaterally decimating the requirements while presenting your
my-way-or-the-highway attitude --- except you seem to be saying we
can't even choose the "highway" if we need to..?  How is that going to
possibly work?

We should make an effort to figure this out.  We should have a candid
conversation.  Either e-mail or voice chart, or google hangout.

1. Please do not email me personally. 

2. You're behind in the conversation. 

3. I'm interested in hearing what you have to say about the design of a new SMServer, even if you're hysterical about. But I would appreciate it if you would allow me to respond in my own time. 


Chris C., lately your emails are classified as spam on gmail so we might miss some.
(they tell they cannot reliably trace that the message was sent from yahoo or something like that...)