I've asked several questions about this a few months ago (dig squeak-dev if you wish, i'm in a hurry...)
No answer.
You made an effort to comment the classes, but Colin did completely change the implementation without updating the comment...
Now who knows what's in the mind of the conceptor?
It's like the fresh environment is abandonware...

2014-10-29 19:53 GMT+01:00 Chris Muller <ma.chris.m@gmail.com>:
Trying to debug a server, need to define a global OrderedCollection
"X" which I want to put debugging objects into.  In a workspace, I

X := OrderedCollection new

System asks me to correct or define a global.  I choose to define a global.

But I still cannot access X.  It keeps asking me to correct or define
a global.  Yippee, great thing to happen at 4am when you just need to
debug something!

Digging in shows that when I try to access X, it ends up looking in
Smalltalk environment 'bindings' IdentityDictionary, but when I
defined X, it put the binding #X=>nil into Smalltalk environment
'declarations' only.

I don't know what 'declarations' vs. 'bindings' are and I don't care,
I just need to be able to define the global, could someone pelase tell
me the proper fix?

  a) Defining X should put it in 'bindings' instead of 'declarations'?
  b) Accessing X should access from 'declarations' instead of 'bindings'?
  c) Defining X should put it in BOTH  'declarations' and 'bindings'?