On 29.03.2011, at 15:48, Nikolay Suslov wrote:


On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 2:30 PM, Hannes Hirzel <hannes.hirzel@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes, I welcome as well that you want to make the use of OMeta in
Squeak easier and demonstrate the use of it to make things simpler....


P.S. The last activities on OMeta were May 2010;

   location: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/OMeta'
   user: ''
   password: ''

Is there some newer code somewhere?

Another question: You want to make OMeta part of Squeak?

Could you please elaborate a bit more about the examples you mention?

You could find a lot of information at VPRI wiki. There is the "Text Field Spec for LObjects" project, which was announced in 2010 here: http://www.mail-archive.com/fonc@vpri.org/msg01279.html, basing on the "Mochi" system, as Ted Kaehler said: "It has many half-finished experiments in it, and a fair amount of just plain wreckage". Although there are many of working OMeta's examples for Squeak (ForAll language, SpecParser, Nile), Worlds are also presented there and it is an updatable image. Another is Yoshiki's SqueakBootStrapper image with BootStrapEncoder/parser and of course: OMeta/JS wiki.
Now thinking, that we need to ask the VPRI team for official permission on using and experimenting with these stuff in Squeak, especially concerning to the image side parts of "Mochi" system. Bert, may be you could bring some clearance on this, please?

It's released under MIT, which means you don't need to ask specific permission (but note that I am only a contractor to VPRI, cannot speak for them).

And please remember to change the email subject when the topic diverges ;)

- Bert -