On 24 Jan 2010, at 19:19, Andreas Raab wrote:

Igor Stasenko wrote:
2010/1/24 keith <keith_hodges@yahoo.co.uk>:

I look forward to seeing trunk with MC1.5 then, cool
if you remember, i already raised this topic here and in Pharo list.
The problem is, that (as you pointing in another thread about
capturing knowledge), there's no one left,
having such knowledge about MC 1.5., to do such integration.

We did the experiment earlier:


The problem is that MC 1.5 and 1.6 appear to be buggy in various areas and don't appear ready for prime time.

 - Andreas

I have been using them for years now without trouble. 

How you cope with the old MC I dont know. I cant use it, it looses overides, and you have to maintain a separate image for every package you contribute to.

MC1.6 should be less buggy, if traits support was finished.
