On 31 October 2013 21:38, tim Rowledge <tim@rowledge.org> wrote:

On 31-10-2013, at 1:21 PM, Igor Stasenko <siguctua@gmail.com> wrote:

> Are you aware that you asking for something which already done and exists?

It’s not already done; it isn’t what is included by Ian on squeakvm,org nor eliot on … wherever. If you can convince both of them that it should be, then you win the bounty. I’m not actually much interested in details here; just the result of getting the plain interpreter code on squeakvm.org (which is currently an SVN repository not git) and Eliot’s code (also on squeakvm.org) built by substantially the same mechanism.

ah. you also want vanilla squeak VM built by that..
well, originally CMakeVMMaker was envisioned to support that.
but it was never tried/done, yet it is certainly doable ( and again at a fraction of effort
comparing to doing everything from scratch).
But no, i'm not going to run for a bounty nor attempt to convince anyone to use/build on top of CMakeVMMaker (apparently because i tried this before and failed).

May the bugs of many programs nest on your hard drive.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.