I'm no expert on SqueakSource3, maybe there is someone who have deeper knowledge that can share ?

On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 12:28 AM, Ken Causey <ken@kencausey.com> wrote:
On 02/23/2013 05:15 PM, karl ramberg wrote:
I see SqueakSource3 has a Issues category per package.

For example:


Nice, thanks for pointing that out.  There has been some discussion of setting up a SqueakSource3 instance as an upgrade to source.squeak.org but I think the consensus is that it is not ready yet to support all of the Monticello capabilities we currently use, I'm not sure of the details.

Can you collect some details about how the Issue tracking works, for example whether there is support for sending email to a specific email address for every new issue or each time an issue is updated?  Also is it up to handling hundreds or even thousands of issues?

I created an account and considered creating a temporary project for evaluation purposes.  But I'm holding off because I don't want to create such a project and then find that I can't easily delete it and pollute the project list.
