Hi Alain,

If you already have the .NET 1.1 framework installed on your computer then you can download the Squeak.NET bridge (available on SqueakMap) and at such time you know have access to over 3800 base class items exposed in the .NET framework by Microsoft. Of course, there are registry classes in the Microsoft.Win32 namespace. Here's some sample code:

localMachine := DotNet Registry LocalMachine.
software := localMachine openSubKey: 'Software'.
software subKeyCount -> 75



On 5/31/05, alr <alr.dev@free.fr> wrote:
I would like to write a small utility program for my job and i need to read
the windows registry.
I saw that Ned started a small changeset (Win32Registry-nk.cs attached) in
2002 but there was still a problem with it (could not coerce arguments
exception). I do not know ffi enough and do not see exactly what the problem

Did someone read the windows registry with squeak ? and How ?

Your help would be very appreciated


It's easy to have a complicated idea. It's very very hard to have a simple idea. -- Carver Mead