
I guess it lies in the nature of fireworks, that they might be dangerous in very rare situations! ;)

Two things though. You might want to check why Alt+. does not work for you when Squeak is in fullscreen mode on linux. This should work and I just checked it does on Ubuntu 10.10.
The other thing is, which might help you also in other situations, to try to use Ctrl+Alt+F1..F6 to get one of the consoles (tty1 to tty6). From there you can login and kill any of your processes.
No need to shut down the computer.

Anyway, to be more sensible I added a check for any mousebutton click.


2011/1/1 Chris Muller <>
Grrrr...  Sorry to be annoyed.  It's a nice demo but it put Squeak
into full-screen mode which, in Linux, means you cannot see any other

I couldn't break the demo with Alt+., and since I couldn't see a
terminal to kill the process, I had to shut off my computer
ungracefully..  Ouch!

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Alexander Lazarević
<> wrote:
> Just found some old code of mine and pushed it to squeaksource.
> In a 4.1 Squeak or recent trunk image do
> (Installer repository: '') install:
> 'Fireworks'.
> (Smalltalk at: #FireworksAnimation) start.
> In a 1.1.1 Pharo image do
> ((Gofer new squeaksource: 'Fireworks') package: 'Fireworks') load.
> (Smalltalk at: #FireworksAnimation) start.
> :D
> All the best for 2011,
>  Alex
> PS: ALT-. or CMD-. will help ;)