Am Di., 31. Dez. 2019 um 22:45 Uhr schrieb tim Rowledge <>:

[...] Notifier/Informer/Confirmer gets hidden behind a progress bar with many active bars. I've seen this during loading large packages like Seaside, for example. The system is stuck waiting for you to do something with the notifier but it is sat behind a large progress bar and nobody has a clue what is happening.

A very simple workaround for this is to slightly offset the default position used when no explicit position is provided for the progress bar. [...]

I'd like to suggest setting the default position for the assorted notifier/confirmer/informer windows using the #aboveCenter but right now as I look at the code for opening assorted UserDialogBoxMorphs I find my brain melting. Some methods accept an argument for the position but ignore it, some test the position for nil and use a preferred position, some use the current Hand position in combination with the center point of a specified submorph... crikey.

More ideas:
- center of currently focused Morph (if not off-screen)
- center of currently focused tool window if the focused Morph is in a window
- display progress unaffiliated to a UI element in the bottom right corner, to emulate notifications or status bar visuals
- delegate the positioning to the RealEstateAgent

I find myself intermixing the positioning of modal dialog boxes and the progress display. Both can be changed independently and can/should follow different strategies, of course.