On 4/24/14, 5:44 PM, "Herbert König" <herbertkoenig@gmx.net> wrote:

  ...I wanted to try to unload Environments .......
 too quick on the send button.
Am 24.04.2014 22:43, schrieb Herbert König:
 I wanted to try Environments from 4.5 to see if this makes project save work again.
 I got the attached MNU.
 Is this futile as Environments are entangled very deep in the guts of Squeak or are Environments intended to be unloadable?

You can do it, but ends in a fork you must polish at your risk.
Here my last SqueakRosCore4dot5-12565 Monticello package list

Balloon (nice.21)
* Collections (bf.512)
CommandLine ()
Compiler (eem.262)
Compression (ul.31)
* Etoys ()
* Exceptions (fbs.44)
Files (cmm.119)
Graphics (fbs.209)
* Kernel (fbs.754)
* Monticello (fbs.539)
* MonticelloConfigurations (fbs.111)
MonticelloForTraits ()
* Morphic (fbs.648)
MorphicExtras (tpr.106)
MorphicExtrasTests (fbs.1)
Multilingual (tpr.159)
* Network (fbs.140)
* PackageInfo-Base (bf.64)
ST80Tests ()
ST80Tools ()
SUnit (fbs.94)
ShoutCore (cwp.36)
SmallLand-ColorTheme (fbs.1)
Sound (nice.34)
Squeak-Version (ar.4662)
* System (fbs.524)
ToolBuilder-Kernel (cwp.53)
ToolBuilder-Morphic (ul.89)
ToolBuilder-SUnit (cwp.17)
* Tools (fbs.460)
Traits (cwp.292)
TrueType (ul.19)
TrunkScript (cmm.5)
