Hello Eliot,

I am very inspired by the new Squeak 5.2 VM and its amazing speed! Just dreaming of having Open Croquet working on it. And now after first early steps of porting from Squeak 4.x, even without formal tests, it is seen how much faster Open Croquet demos are working.

On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 7:48 PM Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Nikolay,

On Oct 25, 2018, at 7:47 PM, Nikolay Suslov <nsuslovi@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce, that the experimental version of Open Croquet for Squeak (https://blog.krestianstvo.org/en/open-croquet-for-squeak-6/) is now updated to the recent Squeak 5.2 (32bit)

Great news, thank you!

This update includes critical FIX for the Croquet's IslandReader, which is related to the new Squeak image segment loader code. 

Can you explain what the bug was, and what is the fix?

Actually, this fix is in adapting the IslandReader segment loading methods to the new behaviour of '#primitiveLoadSegmentFrom: segmentWordArray outPointers: outPointerArray': "Upon successful completion, the wordArray will have been becomed into anArray of the loaded objects." In original Open Croquet for Squeak 4.x,  'IslandReader>>#loadSegmentFromData: segmentWordArray outPointers: outPointerArray' traversing the loaded WordArrayForSegment with #nextObject for post-sending startUp message to objects ('#startUpInIslandReader: reader'). But, in Squeak 5.2 it should uses an array of the loaded objects, instead WordArrayForSegment object. That's it.

Best regards,


The included Croquet demos have become usable in network scenarios, but with some requirements: For replication to work, a participant must run a Master of the selected demo at least once on its image (for example doing:  CroquetMaster new openInWorld). Then that participant could connect to any running Master on a network (for example doing: CroquetParticipant new openInWorld).  In the future updates this will be fixed.

Preloaded images:

- All-In-One Squeak 5.2 VM with preloaded Open Croquet image and content: https://www.krestianstvo.org/sdk/croquet/Squeak5.2-18225-32bit-All-in-One-Croquet.zip

- Only Squeak 5.2 with image with preloaded Open Croquet:

- Only content (Textures, Models, etc.): https://www.krestianstvo.org/sdk/croquet/Content.zip

Loading manually:

Don't forget to download and extract 'Only content' package to /Contents/Resources/ folder.

How to use it on the network:

If Master wanted to be discoverable, it's network address must be specified here:
CroquetHarness dispatcherAddress.
Participant should specify a Master's network address here: 
CroquetHarness defaultBroadcaster.

Here is the screenshot of one Master (on macOS) and two Participants (on Windows and macOS) collaborating together.


Best reagards,