Since there is a PointerExplorerWrapper in this trace I believe that a pointer explorer is already open on one of the objects, or that this tool does not exclude itself from its own pointer search...

If the latter is the case, it would be a Heisentool, where the attempt of using it changes that which it is supposed to observe. :-P

tim Rowledge <> schrieb am Sa., 24. Dez. 2022, 01:26:
It strongly suggests that somewhere in your development time you didn't close a morph correctly.

Try selecting the PluggableSystemWindow (3168378) and inspecting it. Assuming that works, see if 'self delete' in the text view at the bottom of the inspector works. It *should* close the system window and after a garbage collect or two everything ought to be cleaned out.

> On 2022-12-23, at 1:14 PM, Christopher Becker <> wrote:
> Thanks for your suggestion!
> I am selecting random pointers to chase and getting this in almost all of the results:
> globals: Environment
> declarations: IdentityDictionary
> #ActiveWorld -> PasteUpMorph
> submorphs: Array
> 6: PluggableSystemWindow (3168378)
> submorphs: Array
> 3: PluggableTreeMorph (1993854)
> scroller: TransformMorph (3408406)
> submorphs: Array
> 3: IndentingListItemMorph (2996756)
> complexContents: PointerExplorerWrapper
> item: Association
> value: Array
> ... and the last entry in the list is an object that is a subclass of the HWEntity class, like:
> 22392: HWGround.
> Does this mean that my objects are being held onto by user interface objects? My UI elements are no longer being displayed so I don't know how this can be the case.
> Thanks again!
> Chris

tim Rowledge;;
Useful random insult:- S  p  a  c  e  d   o  u  t .